Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Religion in Present America

After doing a little research about curretn day religion, I learned that religion plays a much more important role than I would have thought.  I learend many interesting facts: some that backup my knowledge of religion, and some that present new material.  Although I previously knew that Christianity is the biggest religion in the U.S., I didn't know which sects are bigger.  I learned that teh Evangelical sect has the largest percent of the U.S. population, totaling in at 26.3%.  Catholicism comes in second with 23.9% of the U.S.  And protestantism is third with 18.1%.  Although only three sects of Christianity, these three cover just over 2/3 of the population.  Many people from the Evangelical sect come from the midwest, while many people from the Ctholic sect come from the northeast.

Coming from a family who has grown and takes pride in being Jewish, I found it interesting that there are really a very little amount in the U.S.  The most heavily concentrated places with Jews are in New York, New Jersey and Florida.  In addition, Maryland has the fourth highest percent in the U.S.  44 other states, didn't even have .1% of the population as Jewish.

One more interesting fact that I learned is that there are many people that are unaffiliated, or atheist.  Alsmost throughout the entire U.S., the percent of unaffiliated people is distributed evenly.  It is interesting to see that many people don't have religous views.


  1. Very interesting blog post all of your facts and statistics are very well research and very shocking. To think that way back when if you didn't believe in God you would be called a witch, and now there are almost, if not more atheist out there then people who believe in a higher being.

    1. Michaelgovt:

      Yes, it is very interesting to monitor the amount of people that are converted to atheists. Perhaps one reason why many people are making this change is because of the economy. Many people have lost hope in many things, including religion because of the poor economy.

  2. Hi Matt;

    Your Blog is very interesting. I can tell that you did a lot of good research over your topic. I also agree with you for the most part. I just think that people in the world should have there own freedom of religion.

    Also that no one should be offended in what other cultures believe in. Also for what they do as a part of their religion. Many prople have a judgement of different people because of what they believe in, and that there culture isn't the same as the other persons. Thats my presonal opinion anyways.

    1. Clarissa:

      I agree with you too. I think many people are not accepting of things that are different to them, and they tend to make asumptions based of these cultural differences.

  3. Your blog is very interesting and you can tell that you have researched it well and you know what you’re talking about. I agree with most of your blog coming from my background and of my knowledge of religion. Religion is very important to most people but some people don’t take it seriously. Religion is good to know and will help you in life. There are many different types of religions out there and they are close to about the same. Many people judge others cause of their religion and their beliefs. With the religion you may allows you only to do something and also take some things away with the religion beliefs. You believe in what you want to believe in with your religion because it is a free country. Everyone should be proud of witch religion they are in. The U.S is a very religious country.

    1. Brino:

      I agree with you. I think that religion is really whatever you make out of it. It is up to your own opinion.

  4. Hi Matt,
    Your Blog post was really interesting. I really had no idea that the majoring of religions that are taken up in America are roots of Christianity. But do you think that people move to places that have more people of the same religion of them?

    1. Dylan:

      Yes, I think that many people decide where they want to live based on religous values. This is why so many regions in the U.S. are so heavily dominated by one religion. One example would be that all Mormans move to Utah. Another example that I used in my blog would be Jewish people moving to the east.

  5. This is very interesting. People back then used to be SO different then we are now. Now, people could care less about if you believe in God or not. But then there are the people who live by that and if you believe in the wrong thing, then you're basically condemned.

    1. Yes. Although many people are less orthodox now than they were many years ago, there are still some people that strongly believe in religion and god. And they follow the core principles from their religion.

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